
Created by Logistics, Martin Maes (marm)



[FIX] mrp: timesheet not splitting

This bug was spotted in the wizard of the workorders allowing to create a timesheet manually.
The previous behaviour did not split the timesheet as it should.

For example: if the duration expected for the workorder is 60 min and if we create a timesheet of 70 min (supposing that no one timesheeted on the workorder),
the timesheets should be splitted in a 60 and a 10 one, with correct loss_ids.

The next step is to make sure that timesheet can merge together. For example, if an employee timesheet ends when another start, with the same productivity, those two should be merged as one

Theses steps must be done in the write and create from mrp.productivity

task id : 3216277

Description of the issue/feature this PR addresses:

Current behavior before PR:

Desired behavior after PR is merged:

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