
Created by Aayush Modi (aamo)
2 weeks ago by Accounting, Brice Bartoletti (bib)

[FIX] account: prevent error when clicking on early discount

This error arises when the someone clicks on ``Early Discount`` in Payment Terms while creating a new one.

Steps to reproduce
- Install ``account`` module
- Invoicing -> Configuration -> Invoicing -> Payment Terms
- Click on ``New`` -> click on ``Early Discount``

Traceback :
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 1, got 0)
File "odoo/models.py", line 5848, in ensure_one
_id, = self._ids
ValueError: Expected singleton: res.currency()
File "odoo/http.py", line 2251, in __call__
response = request._serve_db()
File "odoo/http.py", line 1827, in _serve_db
return self._transactioning(_serve_ir_http, readonly=ro)
File "odoo/http.py", line 1847, in _transactioning
return service_model.retrying(func, env=self.env)
File "odoo/service/model.py", line 134, in retrying
result = func()
File "odoo/http.py", line 1825, in _serve_ir_http
return self._serve_ir_http(rule, args)
File "odoo/http.py", line 1832, in _serve_ir_http
response = self.dispatcher.dispatch(rule.endpoint, args)
File "odoo/http.py", line 2057, in dispatch
result = self.request.registry['ir.http']._dispatch(endpoint)
File "odoo/addons/base/models/ir_http.py", line 220, in _dispatch
result = endpoint(**request.params)
File "odoo/http.py", line 739, in route_wrapper
result = endpoint(self, *args, **params_ok)
File "addons/web/controllers/dataset.py", line 38, in call_kw
return self._call_kw(model, method, args, kwargs)
File "addons/web/controllers/dataset.py", line 34, in _call_kw
return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs)
File "odoo/api.py", line 458, in call_kw
result = getattr(recs, name)(*args, **kwargs)
File "addons/web/models/models.py", line 1011, in onchange
todo = [
File "addons/web/models/models.py", line 1014, in <listcomp>
if field_name not in done and snapshot0.has_changed(field_name)
File "addons/web/models/models.py", line 1127, in has_changed
return self[field_name] != self.record[field_name]
File "odoo/models.py", line 6576, in __getitem__
return self._fields[key].__get__(self, self.env.registry[self._name])
File "odoo/fields.py", line 1261, in __get__
File "odoo/fields.py", line 1443, in compute_value
File "odoo/models.py", line 4931, in _compute_field_value
fields.determine(field.compute, self)
File "odoo/fields.py", line 100, in determine
return needle(*args)
File "addons/account/models/account_payment_term.py", line 95, in _compute_example_preview
discount_amount = record._get_amount_due_after_discount(record.example_amount, 0.0)
File "addons/account/models/account_payment_term.py", line 67, in _get_amount_due_after_discount
discount_amount_currency = self.currency_id.round(total_amount - (total_amount * (1 - (percentage))))
File "odoo/addons/base/models/res_currency.py", line 217, in round
File "odoo/models.py", line 5851, in ensure_one
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % self)

This error occurs from line[1] where the currency ID is getting false within the self, leading to a value error being raised. This happens because of this PR https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/161044, where they have removed the default currency from currency ID field.

This commit will fix the above error by adding ``company_id`` field in the payment term from view.

[1] : https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/5673ea9d8c6993575bd9ce9c2a931a8738e77e76/addons/account/models/account_payment_term.py#L67

sentry - 5209971284

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