
Created by fw-bot
2 months ago by BI, RĂ©mi Rahir (rar)
forward-port of
odoo/o-spreadsheet#3894 DETACHED (conflicts: ('0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de', 'Auto-merging src/components/bottom_bar_sheet/bottom_bar_sheet.xml\nAuto-merging tests/bottom_bar/bottom_bar_component.test.ts\nAuto-merging tests/setup/jest.setup.ts\nCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in tests/setup/jest.setup.ts\n', '15:51:47.386796 git.c:463 trace: built-in: git cherry-pick 0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de\nerror: could not apply 0cf4f2830... [FIX] BottomBarSheet: Rename a sheet with style content on Firefox\nhint: After resolving the conflicts, mark them with\nhint: "git add/rm <pathspec>", then run\nhint: "git cherry-pick --continue".\nhint: You can instead skip this commit with "git cherry-pick --skip".\nhint: To abort and get back to the state before "git cherry-pick",\nhint: run "git cherry-pick --abort".\n----------\nstatus:\n', ['0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de']) ('0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de', 'Auto-merging src/components/bottom_bar_sheet/bottom_bar_sheet.xml\nAuto-merging tests/bottom_bar/bottom_bar_component.test.ts\nAuto-merging tests/setup/jest.setup.ts\nCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in tests/setup/jest.setup.ts\n', '15:51:47.386796 git.c:463 trace: built-in: git cherry-pick 0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de\nerror: could not apply 0cf4f2830... [FIX] BottomBarSheet: Rename a sheet with style content on Firefox\nhint: After resolving the conflicts, mark them with\nhint: "git add/rm <pathspec>", then run\nhint: "git cherry-pick --continue".\nhint: You can instead skip this commit with "git cherry-pick --skip".\nhint: To abort and get back to the state before "git cherry-pick",\nhint: run "git cherry-pick --abort".\n----------\nstatus:\n', ['0cf4f2830b7c1edc902490817c6f0e48ac2689de']))

[FW][FIX] BottomBarSheet: Rename a sheet with style content on Firefox

The issue addressed in PR #3351 unfortunately used a `contentEditable` value that is not compatible with Firefox [1]

This revision implements the first strategy explored by the aforementioned PR by removing the full format from the contenteditable span when we stop the edition.

Testing required to define some properties as JSdom does not properly support the implementation of innerText (see [2])

[1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/contenteditable#browser_compatibility
[2]: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/1245

Task: 3754944

## Description:

description of this task, what is implemented and why it is implemented that way.

Task: : [TASK_ID](https://www.odoo.com/web#id=TASK_ID&action=333&active_id=2328&model=project.task&view_type=form&cids=1&menu_id=4720)

## review checklist

- [ ] feature is organized in plugin, or UI components
- [ ] support of duplicate sheet (deep copy)
- [ ] in model/core: ranges are Range object, and can be adapted (adaptRanges)
- [ ] in model/UI: ranges are strings (to show the user)
- [ ] undo-able commands (uses this.history.update)
- [ ] multiuser-able commands (has inverse commands and transformations where needed)
- [ ] new/updated/removed commands are documented
- [ ] exportable in excel
- [ ] translations (\_t("qmsdf %s", abc))
- [ ] unit tested
- [ ] clean commented code
- [ ] track breaking changes
- [ ] doc is rebuild (npm run doc)
- [ ] status is correct in Odoo

Forward-Port-Of: odoo/o-spreadsheet#3915
Forward-Port-Of: odoo/o-spreadsheet#3894